A new collection

Breton Shutter Dogs: Breton in style and name but found all over northern France. These little hinged beauties are made from cast iron or brass and are used to hold back traditional opened window shutters. In the design of a traditional Breton ‘shepherdess’ (or sailor) they can take various forms, depending on the particular manufacturer, […]
Boat Numbers

Boat Numbers: Not quite train-spotting but not far off! Somehow though boat registration numbers are a little more romantic, and importantly are somewhat more visually interesting and colourful than train numbers. That these boats have registration numbers means that they are able to sail out of British territorial waters, and that they are linked to […]
More Number Galleries

The Number Galleries just keep coming on my website – First, as an extension of my “Numbers in Colour“, there is a gallery of “Numbers in Pastel Shades“, then a gallery of “Numbers in Tertiary Colours“, and “Numbers in Monochrome“, and then a gallery of “Numbers in Words“, and meanwhile various others of my existing Number Galleries […]
More waves

Two more Wave Galleries – I have added another two galleries to my “waves” collection, having recently visited Hill Head in Fareham and Stokes Bay in Gosport (each for the umpteenth time), with my camera. I was reasonably pleased with some of the results and have created a second and third photo gallery. There is something endlessly […]
Breton Shutter Dogs – The Book
Quite pleased to have finally got this e-book thingy to work on my website. Had a printed version made by PhotoBox and again was quite pleased with the result.
Added to collection

An expanding collection: Still celebrating World Photography day (19th August) I visited Portsmouth Harbour yesterday afternoon and made significant additions to my on-going collection of Fishing Boat Registration Numbers – interesting to see the number and range of ports represented there (from North Shields to Newhaven) – the recent heatwave continued unabated during the day […]
Numbers on gates

Numbers on gates: Still celebrating World Photography Day (19th to 25th August) with another ‘new’ collection of photographed numbers on my website – these numbers are linked by being on gates. There are some conscious repeats and some notable omissions, in this collection, which is arranged randomly this time, rather than in sequence. There are […]
World Photography Day

World Photography Day* – To celebrate World Photo Day 2016 (19th August) I have uploaded more images to my personal website, adding to my photo collections of Boat Registration Numbers, House Numbers with a Seaside theme, Worn or Stitched Numbers, Lighthouses and “Signs of Colour“. *But let’s not forget the very significant contributions of the […]

Waves: There is something endlessly fascinating about watching the sea breaking on the shore; whether it is fierce storm waves crashing onto the rocks or the gentle ripple of waves lapping on a sandy shore – in the first instance the experience can be exhilarating and in the second it can be therapeutic and calming. […]
Brief Encounters II

Brief Encounters II: This set of brief encounters comes from a visit to Venice in 2014, travelling by train from London to Venice via Paris and Munich. On this occasion I met with a little reluctance from some people, and some simply refused, albeit politely. Although I had practised my request in French, German and […]
Seaside Numbers

Seaside Numbers: It has been my observation that house numbers in coastal areas are somewhat more interesting and varied than those in inland areas, at least in those parts of England and France that I have visited. Maybe this reflects a greater sense of individuality and independence by those living on the edge of land. […]
Another Number Collection

Classic Paris numbers: I guess we can thank Baron Hausmann and Napoleon III for these classic numbers from Paris. Not sure when I will next be able to go back and add to the collection, but hopefully one day. For more examples in this nascent collection click on any of the images below to see […]
Bricked Windows

Bricked Windows: I have long been fascinated by the idea of bricked-in windows – their infinite visual variety, their ironic, or at least contradictory nature (can a window still be a window when one cannot see through it?) their meaning, significance and causation. On the latter point, the so-called ‘Window Tax’ introduced in 1696 by […]
More Bricked Windows

French Bricked Windows: If the Window Tax is not a full explanation for all the bricked in windows in England, then it is probably also not a comprehensive explanation for all the bricked in windows in France, although a similar tax also existed in France from 1798 to 1926, Impôt sur les portes et fenêtres (French). There […]
More Numbers

Another new sub-set of my Numbers Collection – I have recently added yet another collection of number photographs to my website – this time the link for the collection is Colour. I am still on the lookout for more interesting examples but was pleased to have found enough examples, in my overall collection, to make this Gallery […]

NUMBERS: I have been collecting images of found numbers for some fourteen years. It is difficult to remember now exactly why I started but it has become compulsive since. It party stems I think from my interest in typography. I have also long been interested in the contrast between the abstract notion of a number and […]
Brief Encounters

BRIEF ENCOUNTERS is a project based on several brief visits to France (mainly on family holidays) where I set myself the challenge to photograph some of the people (complete strangers) who, however briefly, featured as part of my experience of the visit. It also gave me the chance to practice my faltering French to ask […]
Unnamed Streets

UNNAMED STREETS: There is something very sad about a missing road name whether it be the result of theft, vandalism or neglect. The road or street name persists on a map and in the minds of those that know it, and the posts that once supported it may survive to tell the tale, but to […]
Street Names

NAMED STREETS: I first became seriously interested in photographing street names through doing family history research. Census records tell us where our long forgotten ancestors lived, and often the street names themselves tell us much about the history of the area in which they lived. My own father was born and brought up in a […]

FLOORSCAPES: Lost & Found – I am sure that we are all, unfortunately, only too aware of the general litter and rubbish that defiles our streets, pavements, paths and hedgerows, in town and country – the ubiquitous fast food packaging, fag ends, cigarette packets, Coke cans, crisp packets, et al – but, as a self confessed ‘urban […]

WALLS: Walls may not at first seem the most interesting photographic subject matter but as the old saying goes . . .”if only walls could talk”. . . If we consider for a moment that they might do at least some of their talking visually then these walls have much to say for themselves. […]
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