New arrangement

Brief Encounters – a new arrangement: I am in the process of re-arranging my Brief Encounters photographs on the website, to make more sense of them. The main change is to divide the photographs into groups, according to location – e.g. encounters in Paris, France (mainly Normandy), Brittany, Munich & Venice, and a new set from Cornwall. This […]
Brief Encounters II

Brief Encounters II: This set of brief encounters comes from a visit to Venice in 2014, travelling by train from London to Venice via Paris and Munich. On this occasion I met with a little reluctance from some people, and some simply refused, albeit politely. Although I had practised my request in French, German and […]
Brief Encounters

BRIEF ENCOUNTERS is a project based on several brief visits to France (mainly on family holidays) where I set myself the challenge to photograph some of the people (complete strangers) who, however briefly, featured as part of my experience of the visit. It also gave me the chance to practice my faltering French to ask […]
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