Street Names – A Thematic Collection: Food & Drink

NOTES: A surprising number of street names refer to food, foodstuffs or people who prepare or supply food. This probably comes from the days of live animal markets, hence the preponderance of fish, fowl and meat references. In this collection there are significantly fewer references to 'sweet' foods, and the inclusion of 'Battenburg Road' and 'Madeira Grove' (as names of cakes) is something of a cheat, as the names probably have more to do with our Betty's original family name and pleasant memories of a holiday in Portugal. I am quite pleased though with some of the double pages combinations, and sequences - Milk & Honey > Honey & Lemon, and Garlic Bread.
I have now added a section about food and drink sourcing and suppliers as this seems appropriate. With most towns and villages having, at some time, a food market, then Market Streets, Squares and Roads abound, as, of course, do Mills and Farms.